Robert Franklin Gish
escriveire cherokee
Robert Franklin Gish (Alburquerque, Nòu Mexic, 1940) z-es un escriveire cherokee. Professor d’anglés a l'Universitat d’Iowa, crèi que la cultura nordamericana se transformará mejançant la descubèrta de la tèrra e de las tradicions nativas. Autor de Dreams of Quivira (1996), Bad Boys and Black Sheep: Fateful Tales from the West (1998), When Coyote Howls: A Lavaland Fable (1994), Hamlin Garland: The Far West (1976), Beyond Bounds: Cross Cultural Essays on Anglo American, Indian, and Chicano Literature (1996), Paul Horgan (1983), Songs of My Hunter Heart (1992) e First Horses: Stories of the New West (1993).
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