Jerusalèm : Diferéncia entre lei versions

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Linha 53 :
* {{Cite book|title=What Everyone Needs to Know about Islam |publisher=Oxford University Press |date=2 November 2002 |last=Esposito |first=John L. |authorlink=John Esposito |accessdate=11 March 2007 |isbn=0195157133 |page=157 |quote=The Night Journey made Jerusalem the third holiest city in Islam}}
* {{Cite book|title=Religion and State: The Muslim Approach to Politics |last=Brown |first=Leon Carl |publisher=Columbia University Press |date=15 September 2000 |isbn=0231120389 |page=11 |chapter=Setting the Stage: Islam and Muslims |quote=The third holiest city of Islam—Jerusalem—is also very much in the center ... |accessdate=11 March 2007}}
* {{Cite book|title=The Holy City: Jerusalem in the Theology of the Old Testament |last=Hoppe |first=Leslie J. |publisher=Michael Glazier Books |month=August |year=2000 |isbn=0814650813 |page=14 |quote=Jerusalem has always enjoyed a prominent place in Islam. Jerusalem is often referred to as the third holiest city in Islam ... |accessdate=11 March 2007}}:</small></ref><ref>:<small>"Middle East peace plans" by Willard A. Beling": The Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount is the third holiest site in Sunni Islam after Mecca and Medina:</small></ref> Venguèt la primièra ''[[Qibla]]'', lo punt focal per la pregària musulmana ([[Salah]]) en 610 CE,<ref>:<small>{{cite book|editor1-last=Lewis|editor1-first=Bernard|editor2-last=Holt|editor2-first=P. M.|editor3-last=Lambton|editor3-first=Ann|title=Cambridge History of Islam|year=1986|publisher=Cambridge University Press}}:</small></ref> e segon la tradicion islamica, [[Maomet]] i faguèt son [[Isra and Mi'raj|viatge nocturnnocturne]] detz ans pus tard.<ref>:<small>{{Quran-usc-range|17|1|end=3}}</ref><ref>{{Cite book |last=Allen |first=Edgar |authorlink=Edgar Allen |year=2004 |title=States, Nations, and Borders: The Ethics of Making Boundaries |publisher=Cambridge University Press |isbn=0521525756 |url= |accessdate=9 June 2008}}</ref> En consequéncia, e malgrat una superfícia de solament 0.9 km2,<ref>{{Cite book|last=Kollek |first=Teddy |authorlink=Teddy Kollek |chapter=Afterword |editor=John Phillips |title=A Will to Survive – Israel: the Faces of the Terror 1948-the Faces of Hope Today|publisher=Dial Press/James Wade|year=1977|quote=about {{convert|225|acre|km2}}}}:</small></ref> la Vila Vièlha alberga de sites d'importància religiosa clau, entre eles cal senhalar: lo [[Mont del Temple]], lo [[Mur Oèst]], la [[Glèisa del Sant Sepulcre]], la [[Copòla de la Ròca]] e la [[mosqueta Al-Aqsa]].
Durant sa longa istòria, Jerusalèm foguèt destruïta dos còps, assejada 23 còps, atacada 52 còps, e presa e tornar presa 44 còps.<ref name="Moment">:<small>{{Ligam web|url= |publisher=Moment Magazine |títol=Do We Divide the Holiest Holy City? |accessdate=5 March 2008| archiveurl =| archivedate = 3 June 2008}}. According to Eric H. Cline’s tally in Jerusalem Besieged.:</small></ref> La part pus vièlha de la vila foguèt establida al [[millenni IV abC]] abans JC, fasent de Jerusalèm una de las pus anciana ciutat del mond.<ref name="aice">:<small>{{Ligam web|url= |títol=Timeline for the History of Jerusalem |work=Jewish Virtual Library |accessdate=16 April 2007 |publisher=American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise}}:</small></ref> La vila vièlha al dintre dels barris, un site del [[Patrimòni Mondial de l'Umanitat]], es devesida tradicionalament en quatre quartièrs, e mai que los noms utilizats uèi: quartièrs [[Quartièr Armèni|armèni]], [[Quartièr Crestian|crestian]], [[Quartièr Josieu (Jerusalèm)|josieu]], e [[Muslim Quarter|Muslim]] o foguèsson pas que dempuèi lo sègle XIX.<ref>:<small>{{Cite book|títol=Jerusalem in the 19th Century, The Old City |last=Ben-Arieh |first=Yehoshua |publisher=Yad Izhak Ben Zvi & St. Martin's Press |year=1984 |page=14 |isbn=0312441878}}:</small></ref> La vila vièlha foguèt nomenada per èsser inclusa dins la [[Lista del Patrimòni de l'Umanitat en Perilh]] per Jordania en 1982.<ref>:<small>{{Ligam web|url= |títol=Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls | |accessdate=11 September 2010}}:</small></ref>